I feel so grateful to Lauren for asking me to be a part of this, and for allowing me to share and use the gorgeous images she created. I also want to add that I LOVE the Stratfords and that they are very, very comfortable! Go buy a pair, now!
You might recognize this gown as once being my 1560s fitted English gown. I had originally planned to wear it as-is for the shoot, but it started to bother me that the gown was technically 20+ years behind the shoes... So I altered the bodice and trim to bring it a bit more up to date.
I wish wish wish I had more silk damask because I wasn't able to remake the sleeves to the nice puffy, sausage sleeves of the 80s and 90s *sigh*. Can you all forgive me? And can you forgive that awkward wrinkle on that chest that happens when I put my head down? I'm trying not to let it bother me because Lauren's pictures are so beautiful...
This has really pumped me up to work on my early 17th c outfit. I won't be cutting any corners with this era. Right now that means hand sewing the channels in my bodies, and then a hand sewn smock with lace from the Tudor Tailor. After that will be a petticoat, "French farthingale"/bumroll, gown, cuffs, and rebato/collar. Yikes! But I'm excited.
If I'm being completely honest, most of my Elizabethan clothes have been very costume-y, since they were made for faire, and coming from a faire background about how to do things. I had period shapes and silhouettes, but not period fabrics or construction. But recently--really within the last year or so-- my involvement with Colonial Williamsburg and my growing circle of friends who are dedicated to historical accuracy have really inspired me to do everything--everything-- as right as I can with 21st century limitations. I had been doing this with 18th century and Civil War, but not with things like my Elizabethan outfits, because that was for faire. But why should there be any difference? I know it's not for everyone, and I absolutely do not judge a single person who doesn't do things the way I do. But it's what I want to do for me.

*sigh* These shots are STUNNING. The light against the colors of your gown are just perfect. You look so pretty!
Oh what fun! You look stunning in this fabulous outfit! For some reason, I particularly like the photo of the crackled mirror...It is always fun to be part of a wonderful project like this one! Yeah!!
wow - you look you like you've stepped out of time :) Delightful
Beautiful, just beautiful. I am in love with your dress. I think you are living every little girl's fantasy. . .at least THIS old-little girl.
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