Tuesday, September 27, 2011

It's Giveaway Time!

Well ladies and gentlemen, Lauren R has got us up to 100 followers! Hurray! You can now begin leaving comments with a little introduction of yourself, to be included in the giveaway drawing. I will close the drawing at midnight tomorrow (Sept. 28) Eastern time (in case there's any confusion....). Your gift will be a little something I purchase this weekend at the Grand Tactical 1812 event in London, Ontario!


Lauren R said...

Hi, I'm Lauren. You already know me, what should I say? I'm the fruit-loop over at American Duchess. I like cupcakes and tea and vintage thingimabobs.

Anonymous said...

Hello, I'm Megan :) You know me too, I'm from all the way over in England, and we've STILL not managed to meet in person - yet!

Katie Lovely said...

I'm H2O intolerant!

Jen Thompson said...

Hello, I'm Jen. I like free stuff. I especially like free stuff from cool reenactment events. I also like you and your beautiful costumes, which are both incredibly inspiring to me. :)

Nycteris said...
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Stephanie Ann said...

I'm Stephanie and I am the girl behind World Turn'd Upside Down. Have fun!

Molly Katherine Harries said...

Hi there, I'm Molly. I'm from Australia and blog over at Molly-Made. I currently tend to sew garments from 20's - 60's but am planning to study theatrical costume design next year. I love looking at all your creations, they are very inspiring! Congrats on 100 followers :)

Cassidy said...

Hi, I'm Cassidy! I sort of do more theoretical costume planning and studies of historical portraits and fashion plates than any sewing, unfortunately. But I love costuming through other people. You're so talented!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm Libby and I run the blog Venerable Fashions. I'm very excited that I can actually post on your blog as my google account from William and Mary College is very picky about the blogs it likes to comment on.

Branwen said...

Hi, I'm Branwen. I'm just a costume nerd that doesn't actually have the discipline or time to you know sew any of the countless things she wants to. But by word she has the fabric. lol
Love your blog, love your costumes, am always inspired by them.

Cynthia Griffith said...

Hi there! I'm Cynthia, from Texas. I love 18th and 19th century clothing, and I am not only learning to sew historical clothing, but I'm learning how to sew by making historical clothing! I am not historically accurate (yet!), and I make plenty of mistakes, but I have tons of fun and I have met a lot of great folks through this hobby! Best wishes to you and congrats on all the followers! :)

sewmad said...

Hi I'm Christa, from Colorado. y main focus has been 16th cent Italian but I am branching out into Victorian and Edwardian. I love reading your blog!

Sarah W said...

What fun!

I'm Sarah at A Most Peculiar Mademoiselle, historical fashions nerd - though I prefer to portray the working or lower middle classes most of the time, and so is not always very fashionable myself when dressing for the past. That don't prevent me from appreciating the stunning outfits of other people however :)

Emily Kate said...

Hi, I'm Emily! I am crazy addicted to period sewing, but don't get to do as much of it as I would like because of school. I've seen you here and there at Civil War reenactments and balls, and am always blown away by all of your incredible outfits :) You have mad sewing skills!

The Laced Angel said...

Hi I'm Chris! I mostly do Victorian clothing, though I dabble in other eras too. I blog over at The Laced Angel. I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you in person or online yet (mostly I just lurk and read your blog) but if we're playing degrees of separation I know you've met my friend Maggie Waterman 'cause I've seen the two of you together in Facebook photos! Love your beautiful costumes, can't wait to see more :)

llyrafantasyfae said...

Umm Hi... Not sure what you want me to put here. :) Still wish we had had more time to talk at Costume College. I love your blog and LJ. So many pretty gowns.

Lady Rebecca said...

Hi, I'm Rebecca! I do all sorts of historical costuming, but I'm developing a love of the 18th c. I love seeing all your 19th c gowns, though - they inspire me for future projects!

Brooke said...

I'm Brooke, and in a few days I'll be 16. Um....you probably know me from the Sewing Academy. I love historical things. Especailly clothes and dancing. :D My favorite era is 1860's and I've been doing civil war reenacting for 4 years. I also love the 1950's. :D
Thanks for the wonderful giveaway. :)


Nereida said...

I'm Nereida fron vestidor anacrónico. I'm from Spain and I love costume history and embroidery : )

Verdaera said...

Hello, I'm Vera (verdaera on deviant art) I costume all year long but only get to go to a couple of events a year as I live in the sticks ;) Regency is my favorite era!


Unknown said...

Hi! I'm Chip and I love everything costume. . . meaning that I have over 4,000 pictures of various costumes (Film & Historical) stashed away on my external hard drive. . . :D

Nuranar said...

Yay, giveaway! You know who I am, too, although we haven't managed to meet yet. I hope to make it up there sometime next year... I'd love to do an 1812 event.

Anonymous said...

Hi there I'm Brenna. We have never met but I've read your blog for quite awhile and I always look forward to seeing when new things you create. It's to bad I won't around for the grand tactical this year but maybe we will run into each other at some mutual event!

Gwenyver said...

Hello! I discovered your beautiful creations via DeviantArt. I also am a costume nerd, or as I like to put it, a costumeholic. I'm also a chocoholic, but that is completly unrelated.

Abigail said...

I'm Abigail, and I blog at oldfashionedbeauty.blogspot.com even though I don't get to post as often as I'd like. I am a homeschool graduate who has a huge variety of interests ranging from hunting to soccer to piano to historical comstuming! The last one is why I follow your blog!