Sunday, January 1, 2012

1938 Dress--Done!

This was so much fun to make and wear! I only wish I had had time to do my hair properly for our outing yesterday, but oh well... Next time! Unfortunately this will have to stay in the closet until spring since it will be too cold to wear it when I return to Michigan on Friday!


PinkJamie said...


Anonymous said...

You look great! I like the pretty pink print, much more fun than the brown on the pattern cover.

Lauren said...

Oh my gosh, this is SO adorable! Beautifully done! And I actually really like your hair with that dress :)

Lynn Brooks said...

That is a gorgeous dress and it looks great on you. I've really been enjoying your blog and seeing all the amazing creations you have whipped up.

Katarina-otb said...

Pretty woman and amazing dress) You look grate in pink)