Saturday, May 26, 2012

Mea Culpa Maxima!!!

As you can tell, I haven't had any time to take pictures of the second 18th c gown... I put it on and found a couple things I'm not happy with, and which I'd like to fix before I show y'all...

So in the meantime, here's a couple images of the silk organza ruff I made for visiting this year's faire. It is made in the "proper" way. That is, stroke gathered to a band and then starched and curled into shape. A lot of work, but totally worth it!


  1. This dress is so, so beautiful. I can keep staring at it. The ruff is really gorgeous! Ha, wish I had a dress like that. ;)

  2. Beyond stunning! I can only imagine seeing it in person which must completely trump a photograph! Just amazing, amazing work you do!

  3. You look like you've stepped right out of the 16th century! Fabulous.

  4. Your ruff looks gorgeous, my dear!
