Friday, January 3, 2014

A Bittersweet New Year: The End of the Tent

I write this from the sickbed, being plagued by what seems to be the flu...

The tent project ended on New Year's Day, and yesterday the shop was cleaned out. I didn't think I'd be this sad to see the project end, but I do feel a strange emptiness now that it's all over. It was incredible to be a part of such an important undertaking, one that hopefully will last just as long--if not longer--than the original artifact. I have to remind myself when looking at the tent that "I made that!!" because it is so surreal to see the great big marquee standing, and to think that it will stand in a museum for all the world to see!

But more than that, I got to work with some of the most talented people I've ever met. And even more than that, I am lucky to call those people my friends. I've never experienced such camaraderie in the workplace before, and I don't know if I will again for some time.

Here's a handful of images from the past 4 months, taken by us at The First Oval Office Project. Click on the link for more information about the reconstruction of George Washington's marquee.


  1. Such an amazing and inspiring project! I'm so glad you got to participate!

  2. What a seriously fantastic project to be a part of Samantha! I am a bit jealous! I am so happy for you that you were able to be a part of this!


  3. This is just crazy! :-) When we handmade our own tent, it was just a very simple cone-tent with something like 30 m of fabric and probably about 50-60 m of seams. And I already thought, it was the most stupid idea I ever had to go with this huge amount of work.
    But THIS is amazing!!!!!
