Monday, December 30, 2013

Journey to the 1920s

Later in January, Mike and I are attending a Jazz Age ball. It's my first official foray into the 1920s and I'm really excited! I've always loved robes de style with their fun silhouettes, so that was unquestionably the dress I was going to make. Simply searching for "robe de style" on Pinterest provided me with a ton of visual inspiration. Instead of recreating a particular dress, I came up with my own design based on what I was seeing in originals. 

The silk taffeta is a tiny portion of what Katie and I bought on super sale ($3.99/yd) from Fabric Guru. We got so much that I can use it not only for what we've got planned, but also these little side projects! All I needed was silk tulle for the trim and a bunch of beads (Swarovski crystal rhinestones too).

Here's where I am on the skirt. The flowers will have rhinestones on them as well, once I get the stuff for setting them. I'm having a lot of fun! Maybe the 20s are my new thing... We'll see!

I've also got a hair tutorial planned, since I think other ladies would be interested in how to turn long hair into a cute 20s style.


  1. Oh my! It looks amazing, I can't wait to see it finished! Looking forward to your hair tutorial as well. I went to a big 20s event in January and had a hard time figuring out how to create a good 20s look with my (then) very long hair. I ended up using wave clips in the front of my hair and then rolled my hair into a sort of faux bob at the base of my neck. I finished the look with a vintage hair comb. It wasn't as neat as I would have liked but it seemed to work. Using the wave clips takes practice and creating real finger waves even more!

    Emily's Vintage Visions

  2. The photo at the bottom of this post is what I based my hairstyle on.

    Emily's Vintage Visions

  3. Can't wait to see the finished result! And I'm really interested in the hair tutorial!! :-)
