Monday, November 10, 2014

Burnley and Trowbridge Polonaise Workshop

I attended my first Burnley and Trowbridge workshop and have come away with an almost completed polonaise jacket! It's made out of a striped sheer white cotton that matches a flounced petticoat I finished last year. The workshop was so fun! Of course, it helps when you're fitting with one of your best friends :)

I'm looking forward to finishing this in time for summer. It will get lots of ruffles! And I need to make a plain white linen petticoat to wear under the sheer one (my current cream mock quilt one makes the skirt look dingy). But for now... *sigh*... It's back to 1815 and New Orleans sewing...

Here's my inspiration, although I'm doing long sleeves: 


Oh... The hem really is even! I was leaning forward and trying to be cute... ;-P


  1. Oh Samantha! This is going to look so wonderful!! Can't wait to see all those ruffles!

  2. Your inspiration photo is just beautiful. I love the ruffles and ruching on it. And an awesome job of you recreating it too.

  3. So pretty! I finished a pink taffeta incarnation of this some time ago..and still haven't finished with all the trimming floof I'd like to do! I love the white, it's so delicate and pretty on you!


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