Monday, July 8, 2013

Suggest Your/A Blog!

I would love to expand the number of historical sewing blogs I follow here on Blogger. Please share your favorites, or your own! There are a number of blogs I'd love to follow, but I can't figure out how to add them to my list... Yes, I am very technology-challenged! Can you help me?? Is there something I'm missing? I thought there was a button in the top left hand corner, but I no longer see it on some blogs.

Things have been very quiet around here, but my wedding is only 3 weeks away so life has been absolutely crazy! Hang in there, readers! I should have fun things to post soon. :)

Here's a picture from UTR last weekend (which sadly I had to enjoy from the comfort of my own home in CA via Facebook) of Michael with our friend's sweet baby boy. Enjoy!


  1. I usually copy the blogs url, go to my blogger page, push the Add button, paste and save. Easy as that. I might have a blog for you, I'll post it tomorrow.

  2. I just started blogging so I am quite a newbie but I do both historical and modern sewing as well as other projects and fashion posts, check it out if your interested! I have always admired your beautiful work and good luck with the upcoming wedding!

  3. Depends if you like Tudor and Elizabethan Fashion with a drop of fantasy and refaire. I have a blog called Tudorosities running since 2009

  4. What is it about a man, in a banyan, with a baby? Lucky girl. I (among many others, I'm sure) cannot WAIT to see the wedding pics. Good luck with the next few weeks and enjoy the day!

  5. I use my blog as more of a dress diary... but you are welcome to it. I love that photo! I joined the Historical Sew Fortnightly group on FB and the mod posted a list of all the HSF bogs so I follow them all. for me I use Feedly so I just type the blog name into the search bar and hit enter - then click add.

    Jen Bristow

  6. There's a new Swedish (written in English) costume blog that's rather nice:

    It's a bit more period *costume* than period *clothing*, but still nice.

  7. I find blogger completely confusing - half the time it wont even allow me to leave a comment.

    my blog is mostly historical embroidery, some costume, and a little bit of medieval silversmithing

  8. Like Sarah W, I go to, click on "Add" which is under "Reading list", and then enter the url. This also let's you follow blogs that aren't based on Blogger. I have a historical costuming blog which I haven't posted on for, like, a year because college happened. But I'm finally almost done with something, so I'll be able to post soon!

  9. I usually copy the blogs url, go to my blogger page, click the Add button, paste and save. Sometimes blogger is funny and you have to do it more then once.

    Not sure if you follow my blog - Emily's Vintage Visions. I haven't posted anything 18th century for a while even though I have a few projects that are closed to being finished. I should really do something about that. ;)

  10. I used Google Reader to follow blogs until they cancelled it. Now I'm using Feedly, which isn't quite as intuitive but it seems to be working. If you'd like to look at my attempts at men's tailoring my blog is


  11. It's not a sewing blog, but my Passion for the Past deals in social history mainly of the 19th century, but I do delve into the 18th and 20th centuries here and there.

  12. Hi Samantha! I love and follow your blog and I am technology-challenged as well...:P even though my dad does computer work for a living! I dont know how to follow blogs...on the side of my blog I've got a little list that updates blogs that I follow though...but if you followed a lot I'm sure that could get overwhelming pretty fast. There are a lot of lovely blogs out there...but I just don't have time to keep up with all of them. I have a separate list of blogs I follow "occasionally" :P. A friend and I recently started a historical sewing blog called Two Teen Seamstresses (
    if you want to check it out :).
    So happy about your wedding and I cannot wait to see pictures!
    p.s,tell Michael I'm the girl with her sister who stayed in the milliners shop in Williamsburg for so long this past Jan. he said that they should charge me rent :P
    Theresa :)

  13. Hi! I've got a costuming blog, but I also post about other things from time to time, like knitting, my cat, my garden or travels, but it's still mostly dedicated to costuming. I make period costumes, but also some fantasy, or costumes inspired from movies. Anyway, enjoy!

    Good luck for your wedding!

  14. Shameless self promotion -

    I've been quiet for a while, but I'm back to posting soon with lots of male and female Regency stuff, and lots of corsets!

  15. I haven't written in awhile, but I'm hoping to get some finished projects posts done.

    And based on some personal things you've shared, you might like my other blog:


    Kris and I can keep you updated with MI's events and happenings.

  17. I use bloglovin to follow blogs (as blogger seems to not like wordpress blogs) plus you get a emaild each day showing you any new posts which is nice.
    My blog is mixture of vintage and historical sewing...I don't re-enact but I do go to retro dances.

  18. It's a dream of mine to be a docent somewhere, and your posts are inspiring - thank you for sharing your sewing projects and thoughts, I enjoy reading your blog.

    If you're looking for more blogs, might I add mine to be considered?

    I sew for fun, and am somewhat new to the whole "sewing blog" thing... projects are historical (so far medieval, 18th century, and American Civil War), literature (LOTR), and a few modern (I make some of my clothes). My posting is a bit erratic, since I work full-time, and hand sew everything (so it takes me a while), but you're welcome to read!

  19. I just started blogging and I so admire your work - my blog is I don't have much on it yet, but I'm getting there!

  20. I've got a blog focusing on clothing, sewing and textile history. Maybe it can be interesting to you? It's in swedish, tough.

  21. I admire your work very much, thank you for sharing your projects! And all those lovely events you have there, I wish there was something like that here too! I have a little blog, I mainly make Regency clothes.
    Here's the link if you're interested:

  22. I use Feedly for following my blogs - it's much easier than trying to use blogger which is notoriously difficult to add and remove things.

    I have a blog that centers around 16th Century clothing, norse clothing, and my fun with calligraphy and illumination. It's a bit eclectic.

  23. Becky mentioned us earlier at the Victorian Needle...but I must say congrats! My handsome beau and I have become engaged as well!

  24. You're more than welcome to come visit my historical blog:

    Congrats on your upcoming wedding and I hope that all goes well! Will you be settling on the east coast or in California?

  25. My blog is Would love to have you there! I always enjoy following you!


  26. My friend Lily is a wonderful seamstress and just started up her blog

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