Tuesday, June 4, 2013

18th Century Black Silk Bonnet for Sale!!

Need a black silk 18th century bonnet for Under the Redcoat or other 18th century events this summer? Bonnets are great for shading your face! And they are an awesome, underrepresented headwear choice for the 18th century. They were super common in the period, especially with lower and middle sorts (although very fashionable bonnets abound as well!).

I am making myself a black silk bonnet, and would be happy to make one for you to use up my materials and make the cost a bit more economical.

Hand sewn black silk taffeta bonnet with pasteboard brim for $80. Untrimmed for you to decorate as you like!

Here is the mock-up for the bonnets. Actual bonnet will be black. :)


  1. I will totally take you up on that if you don't mind. I'm milliner-ly challenged and I've been trying to make a bonnet I'm happy with for a while now. I'm two and a half in and I don't like any of them. And you're right; it will be great to have one for UTR!

  2. Wonderful!

    The easiest way to contact me is by email, at:


    This is also my Paypal address. I will start working once the silk comes in, and should definitely have them done well before UTR :) There is a drawstring at the back of the bonnet, so it will be slightly adjustable too!

  3. I'd get one but they clash with my beard. :)
