Monday, September 22, 2014

17th Century Undergarments Photo Shoot

Another post already, can you believe it?! Today I got the pictures from the awesome photo shoot I did with Frederick Scholpp, which I posted a teaser of last week. We had a great time, and it was so fun working with someone who has such a great eye for capturing shots and could perfectly understand my inspiration. Both of us being artists in different mediums, I think we worked really well together!

I fully intend to do a separate post on the pair of bodies and smock with construction detail pictures and more historical notes, but for now here are "overview" pictures of how the undergarments looks when worn all together.

First is the linen smock, completely hand sewn and trimmed with reproduction lace from The Tudor Tailor. The pattern is an amalgamation of shapes from Patterns of Fashion 4.

Next is the petticoat, which is red wool broadcloth bound and guarded with black velvet. The waist is bound with red silk taffeta and worked with eyelets so that it can be pointed to the pair of bodies. Based on a few portraits (particularly the Elizabeth Vernon portrait) and a video of Jenni Tiramani showing a reproduction pair of bodies pointed to a matching petticoat, AND this old but very interesting conversation on this question here, I made the decision to do this bodies-pointed-to-petticoat method. It works wonderfully well for helping to support the relatively heavy wool broadcloth. The points were custom made for me by Francis Classe (available through his etsy shop, and I have a pair for my American Duchess Stratfords as well.

The pair of bodies are from The Tudor Tailor, the Elizabeth Vernon style. I can't tell you just how incredibly comfortable these are!! I love them so much... They are silk taffeta, interlined with heavy linen and lined with white linen, boned with reed. More info in the construction post, I promise!

All of the materials (smock linen, all threads, wool broadcloth, silk taffeta, linen interlining and lining, silk paduasoy ribbon binding), except for the lace, reed, and points, are from Burnley and Trowbridge!

I hope you enjoy. :)

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  1. The under clothes are wonderful. I can't imagine trying to get dressed alone, but I guess if one was nobility they didn't have to worry about that. Fabulous. I want to see more. I am not sick of you yet.

  2. Beautiful! It's always a pleasure reading your blog, your workmanship and attention to detail is wonderful.

  3. SO stunning. I always get so excited when you post new work, even if it's outside my time period, because I love your exquisite crafting and seeing it makes me want to work that much harder on my own projects!

  4. So gorgeous!! I really haven't had much of an affinity toward this era but your posts have definitely changed my mind. Your undergarments are stunning and to make them by hand! Truly a labor of patience, love and skill! Keep up the good work and please continue to share!

  5. as always, love your work... so beautiful! (the location is great too) looking forward to seeing the construction! WOW well done! :)

  6. Gorgeous! I just love reading about the different manner of dressing for the time periods. The clothing is truly stunning, and you wear it so well, very authentic in look. The setting is perfect for your shoot. Just reading this transports me to another time. . .I do not tire of seeing what you are up to.

  7. Love, love, love all of your work!! Your undergarments are just as beautiful as the outer-garments! And, as always, you look gorgeous dressed for any time period!
    Anneliese :)
    P.S. Thanks for the comment - I'm quite obsessed with your work so seeing it was instant happy dance

  8. Lisa Joy: I've made a few of thesePairs of bodies- sans points, which is a nice touch, and you are right, they are very comfortable. Wore mine for 10 hours a day, for Work. Isn't it neat that the stays put you in just the right period position ? It just happens! Great to see such lovely work.


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  10. The bodies, linen smock and petticoat look gorgeous!
    I also love the appearance of the reproduction lace from The Taylor Tudor,
    the drape and the ornamentation.
    You look stunningly pretty modelling these lovely vintage style fashions!
