Tuesday, May 7, 2013

A Regency Pelisse

I had all but given up on ever actually making this garment, since so many other things had gotten in the way. But then I was unexpectedly able to go to the 200th anniversary of the siege of Ft. Meigs, and the cold, wet spring we had been having prompted me to make something warm for the weekend.

  • green wool "kersey" from Burnley and Trowbridge
  • black mohair braid from Needle and Thread
  • real black lamb fur (aka astrakhan, or "dead fetal lamb") from a vintage cape I got for $24 (it was falling apart and completely unwearable--but perfect for my purposes!)
  • so many buttons...
  • black cotton velveteen for the hat
  • vintage plume
  • All those original lovely original "hussar" style redingotes/pelisses out there (like the red KCI one)
  • the 95th Rifles
The braid was the most time-consuming part, and I did the right side at least 5 times until it looked as good as the left side! I think the hat is my favorite part. It is a Polish military style, which I heard called a "tchapka" by many of my male-soldiery friends.

The entire garment was pretty much made in a week. I did scale up the bodice from Janet Arnold the week before, but that was about it... I was able to scale it up exactly and then actually had to take it in.

It was a complete blast to wear this garment. I felt really elegant and regal. Underneath is my lace insertion gown and chemisette, and I completed the look with gloves and a dainty lady's walking/riding stick.

"For the blog" documentary pics:

Fun! pics:


  1. These pelisse is fantastic! You look so wonderful! :)

  2. Beautifully made! I love the details...and you've stitched it in just one week?! AMAZING!!!


  3. Just saw this link. I'm interested in Regency clothing because I'm a Regency author and my mother just made me a wonderful Regency ballgown and pelisse for the Romantic Times convention in Kansas City (just got back). Then you mentioned Ft. Meigs and well, I know well where that is because I'm from the Toledo area and taught in a suburban school.

    It turned out well (you can see it on my blog here http://susanaellisauthor.wordpress.com/2013/05/02/the-dress-episode-3/) but my mother worked so hard I felt terribly guilty. I did some of the handwork before I got sick (right before leaving for the conference) and she had to finish it all herself. And I got a TON of compliments on it. She really outdid herself. And I had all the fun. SO not fair!

    But now that I know about your blog I'll keep tabs on what else you're up to. Even though I'm a better cook than seamstress!

  4. Wow! that's a fantastic pelise.

  5. Wow... In one week? It's beautiful!

  6. I'm sorry to spoil the fun, but tchapka (by which you mean "czapka", because this is how it's written in Polish) means... "a cap". I don't think it could be a name for a particular type of a hat. Anyway the dress is stunning! :)

  7. thank you all for the compliments!

    dorota, yes i'm aware of its literal translation. however in the 19th century, it means a specific type of hat.


  8. Sammy! You Machine! Some of your adoring public is desirous for dimensions on your charming hat ;P! Would this also be considered a "Blucher Bonnet"? I have heard this style referred to as many names, but in this house at the moment it is being dubbed "that %#$%@& %^#$%# square hat."

  9. So very beautiful. You are very talented!

  10. Gorgeous pelisse with all those buttons!

  11. You did a wonderful job on this pelisse! It is really gorgeous. Your use of vintage astrakhan is especially lovely.

    I have one question: what are the leather cases you and your friend are holding in the last picture? I am intrigued, but I am having a hard time locating something similar.

  12. I hope this isn't inappropriate or too personal, but I'm curious. When you or other ladies dress in historic clothes, do you wear modern undergarments? Or is that considered cheating?

    1. Historical undergarments, in order to acheive the correct historical shape. For Regency that includes a chemise, stays, petticoat, chemisette or fichu, and gown. I hope that helps.
