Tuesday, March 12, 2013

1770s Meringue Gown


*sigh* I did not get nearly as much done for my Wiliamsburg visit as I had hoped... It was one of those instances where life got too busy, and I didn't feel like stressing myself out with sewing. So I finished the gown. I have one mitt done, no muff, and no mantle like I had planned. BUT I had a beautiful, wonderful, fabulous time visiting my fiance and friends. I wouldn't trade all the 18th century accessories in the world for the fun I had. For one thing, my friends threw me a surprise vintage lingerie bridal shower!

So on to the gown... It is entirely hand sewn using 18th century techniques, even all that gauze trim. Previous summer intern Amber made the hat I'm wearing. I'm excited because I have all the stuff in my stash to make one just like it! It matched my gown perfectly! I also worked on the cap last summer during my internship.


  1. You look fantastic! Great job on the gown.

  2. Stunning! This came out beautifully, and I agree - that hat is an ideal finishing touch. I especially like that last picture - you two look so perfectly period together! :-)

  3. Very beautiful dress and I love the apron.

  4. Hello, there! I've just discovered your blog and, I must say,your gowns are completely stunning and inspiring. I'm very interested in starting reproduction sewing, so can you answer a few questions for me? How long ago did you start sewing and how hard was it for you to figure out how to make an accurate reproduction gown? Also, how is it that you're able to attend such lovely historical events? I could only dream of going to those!

  5. Meringue indeed! Your gown looks truly yummy!!! Thank you for sharing these inspiring pictures.
    You two are such a lovely couple :)


  6. Aww, what a delightful piece of fluff! Gorgeous choice of fabric, and well-fit like always.

  7. So pretty! Meringue is exactly the right word.

  8. You look beautiful! The dress is amazing, as always.

  9. I can't even imagine the amount of time and patience it takes to craft such a stunning piece of work like this, and the high degree of skill necessary to make it look so fine. The result it incredible. You and the gown are a lovely combination.

  10. This is stunning! You look like you walked right out of a fashion plate.

  11. Nice photos and really cool outfit, you look great, I like your shorts, what a great shape and that top is so nice, the perfect touch to the outfit also you are really beautiful and your shoes rock! Your have a lovely blog by the way
