Friday, November 2, 2012

Once Upon a Time Belle Cosplay!

So... I have a secret...

I'm pretty much addicted to Once Upon a Time. Especially Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold and Belle! They're definitely my favorite couple/story. I started watching the show a couple weeks ago, and it's been an intense love affair. I went through the entire first season on Netflix in a couple days, and have since been tuning in every Sunday to watch the new episodes. Let me explain that I don't watch TV, let alone watch a show on a regular basis on TV! So it's a pretty big deal. ;-)

Since I love Belle so much, I knew I had to make her adorable blue outfit from her episode, "Skin Deep", for Halloween. It went together quickly and well, and I had a blast making something totally not historical! It's such a fun outfit to wear. Very feminine and light and just fun! I'm even giving serious thought to wearing this to faire in May. I'm worried I might miss being my usual noble self, but this outfit would be SO much easier and lighter to pack!! More room for 18th c and Civil War stuff that I will also need. And by faire, I might be able to have shoes like Belle's, which are a silvery-blue t-strap. I'm thinking of getting American Duchess' new 1920s shoes and then painting them. But that's an awful lot of money for something like this... So we'll see. Also, my hair will be longer and will hopefully turn out closer to hers. I think it came out well enough with what little hair I do have!

I really loved making and wearing this. I don't think I can say it enough! There may be more cosplay type stuff in my future!



  1. I'm an avid 'Once Upon a Time' watcher as well. So I totally get the obsession ;-).

    You did a wonderful job with your dress. I'm impressed with how close to the original it is. Did you draft the pattern?

    There are several outfits in that series I want to make. Mostly Regina and Snow outfits. Some of them are the modern day ones, and some of them are from Fairytale Land.

    It would be awesome to see you try out more cosplay outfits. I'm sure they'll be just as much of a work of art as your historical reproductions.

  2. That is a super cute outfit! I admit, I haven't watched Once Upon a Time yet, (it's on my ever-growing list of things I must catch up on) but I've heard really good things about it. This outfit looks very similar to the Disney version of Belle, which I love. :D

    Fabulous job, as always!

  3. Very pretty! The outfit looks real as opposed to a costume. A quick funny story. At Disney World we saw the "Belle" live character and my nephew asked if Belle was supposed to be a teenager. "Yes" I said. My nephew then said "this one looks old, she has to be 25!"

  4. Lovely dress, looks a lot like the one in the picture! I hadn't watched Once Upon a Time before, but after reading your post my husband and I began, and we really like it so far, seven episodes in. I, as a historic costume lover, lack something like a common theme on the fairy tale fashions, to make them believable, (now they're all over the map), but still - lots of pretty outfits, in both worlds. Yay for inspiration!

  5. Did you make the pattern yourself, or did you find one similar? I would really love to make one too, I'm just not sure where to start
