Saturday, September 22, 2012

Tips and Tricks: A Survey

As many of you know, my blog consists of my creations and the events I wear them too. But lately I've been wondering if it might be helpful for me to take construction pictures and do a more tutorial-style write up of things. I'm not tech-savvy enough to figure out how to do a poll here, so I would appreciate it if you would leave your opinion in a comment. Just curious to see what people would like to see!

a) I enjoy reading your blog the way it is.
b) I would appreciate construction pictures and/or tutorials in addition to your usual posts.

Thank you! :]

I will leave/bribe you with this fantastic picture of my fiance hard at work, taken by the fabulous Mr. Paul McClintock of From Common Hands 18th century book binding. Thank you Paul!


  1. I'd love to see how you put things together!

  2. I *do* like your blog as it is, but construction detail every now and then would be nice :)

  3. I would love tutorials but only if that is what you want to do - I love your blog as it is and will continue reading it no matter what

  4. Your blog is lovely and fun with pictures of your creations and the events you attend, Samantha, but it is always neat to see how other people construct their clothing as well. Perhaps consider a compromise in which you post about construction some of the time, but not always. That way you don't feel obligated to share for every single thing you make. Tutorials are also great in the right circumstances. I guess my stance is that you could go either way, whatever will bring more satisfaction to you. Hope that helps... :)


  5. I have to go with the crowd and say B. I do enjoy your blog, but I fancy I'd enjoy it even more if there were more details about your process.

    That's an excellent photo, and I wish I'd gotten to see the tailors!

  6. B - I love reading your blog, learning from you, and being inspired. :) It would be wonderful learn from you and see details on how you make such amazing projects.
    Keep up the fantastic work!

  7. I love your blog as is, but I always enjoy seeing how people do things. It's how I learned to do this whole historical fashion thing!

  8. I'd love to see tutorials and construction tips, so long as they didn't take the place of your lovely photos of events and garb!

  9. I am always very thankful for those who share information and construction tips online!

    Best Wishes!

  10. One more vote for B. I adore seeing the finished costume projects, but every tidbit about how you researched and made the outfit will make it an even more interesting read. That being said, do what works best for you. It is *your* blog and you should have fun with it, not feel obligated to write things only for others.

  11. I would love to see tutorials now and then, even if it's basic stuff.

  12. B! Your work is really extra special (and you seem to work so fast!) that I'd love to see any extra detail, how-to's, and especially any tricks you've come up with.

  13. I just found your blog this evening and have enjoyed reading back through past posts. I've already bookmarked you and will look forward to new posts however you decide to proceed.

  14. B I find it very interesting how things are constructed. Even basic things, since my exposure to antique clothing is 0!

    Thank you, I really enjoy your blog and documentation, and sewing skill, what a talent!
