Monday, July 9, 2012

1770s Summer Gown for a 1770s Summer Soirée!

I made this fitted back gown out of some lovely lightweight muslin from Burnley and Trowbridge. Perfect to wear to work in the millinery shop, and to nice dinners like the one we had with friends at Christiana Campbell's Tavern! Michael looked quite nice as well. :)


  1. You two are quite a team! Beautiful job on your dress.

  2. Your gown is really beautiful and the buttons of mike'scoat are amazing : )

  3. Beautiful!!!
    And btw, I'm looking forward to seeing the spotted muslin gown, which you've announced under the "current project" section ;)


  4. You look lovely! So slender and your gown fits very nicely, as far as I can see from your pictures. What a handsome couple you make.

    Best, Quinn

  5. You both look wonderful! I wish I could have met Michael when I was there.

  6. You are an amazingly talented young woman. I hope many people tell you that everyday. Great job.

  7. Hi! I enjoy your blog and really admire your work. I'm going to be starting work at Williamsburg's Costume Design Center next week and I'm getting acquainted with the area. Do you have any recommendations for a good local fabric store?

  8. Thank you SO much, everyone!! you are all too kind!

    allison, congrats on the job! the best local "store" is definitely burnley and trowbridge :) you can probably give them a call and go look at everything in person. there's a great store in richmond... other than that, we've got your usual hancock's and joann.
