Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Saying Goodbye...

Fives weeks at home really flew by. I had a great time with friends and family, but tomorrow morning (at 6:30!) I set off for a once in a lifetime adventure in Williamsburg. I feel so blessed for this opportunity, and the fact that I get to be there with my fiance while he is working in the Costume Design Center for the summer. There are so many new friends to meet, and so many new things to learn!


  1. It's great that you get to spend the summer doing what you love AND being with your fiance.

    Cute dress and hat, too :)

  2. Good luck in Williamsburg! Will you still be there in late August (when classes start up again at William and Mary)

  3. I'm envious of your great luck in spending an entire summer in W'burg. I hope you're able to keep up your blog and tell us all about it.
