Tuesday, April 10, 2012

1812 High Necked Gown

This gown was entirely stitched by hand, including the corded ruffle. A scalloped veil and antique parasol complete the outfit. You can see pictures from the event on Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/51732491@N02/sets/72157629787895175/


  1. Gorgeous, and I really love the color!

  2. Yes, it's really gorgeous! You truly captured that 1812s look! And - I know I sound like a broken record - it's such a delight to see a high-neck daydress(so very well done)!!!

  3. Lovely dress! I'm just starting to get into the 1812 era and will be attending my first event this summer. Do you have any tips on creating a gown for this time period? Are there any patterns that you would recommend (or not)? I will most likely use one of the gowns in "Patterns of Fashion" as a starting point. I'd like to make something appropriate for day wear, 1812-15.

  4. So pretty! I love the spring pastel colors. You look like you walked right out of a fashion plate. :-)

  5. This is - um. one of my absolute favorite regency gowns of all time. Love everything, design, fabric, color. Wonderful work!

  6. Lovely. ALthough just to go off on a tangent I've made a veil to go on a bonnet but not sure about attaching it. I have it pinned on at the moment. I wondered how you attached yours?
