Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Summer in Williamsburg

If you also read my Livejournal, you already know my good news: I will be spending the summer as an intern in the Margaret Hunter Shop!

I am beyond excited for the incredible opportunity, and of course I am thinking of all the things I need to get done before then (like finishing my new stays!). So you can expect a lot of 18th century clothing during the summer months.

This is really a dream come true for me... UTR 2011 was my first ever visit to Williamsburg, and I definitely had no idea I would be returning so soon or for so long! So if you are in the area, I would love to say hi. I'll be behind the counter learning 18th century sewing techniques!

Michael and I at UTR 2011


  1. Wow! Congratulations, Samantha! What an amazing opportunity. I'm sure you're going to have the time of your life! :-)

  2. Congrats, sounds like a great way to spend the summer!

  3. That's so exciting! (Can I say that i'm just a teeny bit jealous?) I'll be in Williamsburg sometime in May, Lord willing, so maybe I'll stop by!

  4. Congratulations, that's very exciting news! A friend of mine worked in the shop that summer and loved it. By the way, I think we met briefly at Fort Ticonderoga last year. I recognize that lovely gown you're wearing. :)

  5. You are so lucky, congratulations!

  6. Wow, congratulations! I'm a student at the College, so I hope you're there while we're in session!

  7. What an amazing oppurtunity! I would love to do something similar someday! I'm sure it will be a wonderful summer for you!
