Sunday, February 26, 2012

I'm Still Alive! And Sewing

I finished my ball gown for last night's ball just a couple hours before we left. The lighting at the ball was pretty wretched, as was the lighting at home, so the pictures aren't too great. Hopefully someday I can get a good set of photos for this gown. I definitely felt like a continental princess in it!

You can read about my break down of materials, etc. here:


  1. You look SO stunning! Always so perfect, and I love the hem detail. Absolutely gorgeous!

  2. You are too modest. It came out beautifully lit, and you look a dream.

  3. It's perfect!! Love love love this!!

  4. Estás símplemente perfecta!! En las fotos no se ve nada mal la luz, así que te aseguro que tienes unas fotos magníficas. Y el trabajo de tu vestido impresionante, como todas tus creaciones. Bravo!

  5. How stunning! I just recently found your blog and am blown away by the level of detail, polish, and accuracy in your costumes. I'm just learning how to sew and can barely conceive of how to sew a curved line, much less such intricate gowns. Well done!

  6. You look gorgeous. The dress is perfect and I also love the tiara you wear.


  7. Love this! Absolutely breathtaking!

  8. I just saw this (I'm so behind on my blog reading!) and just had to comment on this beautiful dress! It's so lovely and breathtaking! Great job!
